Home » Springtime | It’s Cherry Blossom Season

Springtime | It’s Cherry Blossom Season

by Sam
pink cherry blossoms in bloom

Spring is upon us and my neighborhood is bursting with cherry blossoms once more!  I love this time of year when I can take in the beauty of the trees during my walks.  I took the pretty photos below while out and about this week, but honestly, they don’t do them justice compared to how beautiful they are in person!

We are in peak bloom which lasts for about two weeks, from late March to early April. It’s defined as the time when 70 percent of the blossoms are open, and this can vary annually depending on weather conditions. Then the flowers fade and green leaves begin to come out. The beauty is truly fleeting as I’ve already noticed that the petals have begun to fall.

What do cherry blossoms symbolize?

Pink cherry blossom tissue paper artwork by my daughter from school
My daughter’s artwork from school

The cherry blossom, also known as sakura or Japanese Cherry, is a very important symbol in Japanese culture. It is an ornamental cherry tree (it does not produce fruit for eating), and symbolizes a time for renewal and optimism. The pink and white blooms signify the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Because of their brief blooming season, cherry blossoms represent the transience of life and remind us that a person’s life is also short and beautiful. Japan considers the cherry blossom its national flower and has celebrated the blooming of cherry trees for centuries. The traditional Japanese custom of “hanami” is the pleasure of viewing the beautiful flowers. Family and friends celebrate by gathering underneath the trees with food and drink, or by simply sitting and admiring their beauty.

Where can you see cherry blossoms?

Cherry blossoms can also be found in countries like Korea, China, Europe, the United States, and Canada.  In 1912, the people of Japan gifted the United States with cherry trees as a symbol of friendship, and the first were planted in Washington DC.  The National Cherry Blossom Festival is held in Washington DC annually, to commemorate this gift.  The festival is on now until April 16th, so grab the chance to go if you are in the area. You can partake in events and activities including a street festival, waterfront fireworks, and parade.  Cities around the world hold their own festivals, so be on the lookout during the season if cherry blossoms are found near you.

Photos of my neighborhood

We are lucky to have two huge cherry blossom trees right on our street!

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